Q: How does this work? I’m new.
Firstly, welcome to the lifestyle. Read everything before contacting me. If you feel we’re a good match, fill out the contact form correctly. Don’t be discouraged if I don’t answer you right away. I get a lot of messages and I’m constantly busy. If you hear no response from me within a few days, send me another email. If your fetishes match what I offer, we’ll schedule a session. I’ll also go through the screening process.
Q: I want to serve you, but I want to remain anonymous.
If you want to serve but not give out your real name, you have other options:
Minimum of two references from other dominatrixes and/or providers you’ve seen with active social media.
Find someone else. Plain and simple.
Q: What’s the Tribute? Can you do “x” amount? Can you do short stay?
A: My tribute/donation is firm and final. This isn’t a negotiation. If you can’t afford to have a session, then don’t see me and see someone else. Bargaining and haggling are insulting and I won’t stand for it. You will be blocked. ​I don’t do half hours or “short stays”.
Q: Do I need a deposit?
That depends on you and your history with other providers. I have a very thorough screening process and if I see that you’ve wasted time in the past, I will require a deposit just to prove you’re legitimate.
Q: Are you looking for a personal/domestic slave?
A: Not at this time.
​Q: What are you going to do? What will the session be like?
A: It all depends on what is discussed. If you want me to go into detail, you’re out of luck. You will find out when you get here.
Q: Do you have [X] equipment?
Everything will be listed on my website.
Q: I'm afraid of being scammed. How do I know you're real and safe?
If you look through my website and social media links, you’ll find various sites that I’m on that requires multiple forms of identification such as Eros, OnlyFans, Escort-Ads, Girl-Directory, The Erotic Review, etc.) Also I have testimonials on The Erotic Review and on my website.
PRO TIP: DO NOT LOOK FOR PEOPLE VIA BEDPAGE OR YESBACKPAGE. The ratio of legit to scammers aren’t good. I’ve heard one too many stories from clients who have either gotten scammed or almost scammed by going on those sites.
​Q: Is Amaya your real name? Are you single?
No. Amaya’s not my real name. I would NEVER EVER use my real name. And no, I’m not single. I’m a married woman.
Q: Does your husband know what you do? Does he join? Do you dominate him?
My husband knows what I do. He doesn’t join in anything. I don’t dominate him. My husband is STRICTLY VANILLA.
TIP: I keep my vanilla life and BDSM life completely separate.
Q: Do you provide double domme sessions?
At this time, I do not. I will in the future. ​
Q: COVID-19 RELATED: Do I need to wear a mask?
It’s all up to you and what you’re comfortable with. I’m fully vaccinated as of March 2021. Every member in my household is fully vaccinated as of May 2021 However, if you are not vaccinated or you had only one shot so far, I recommend you wear a mask but it’s not required. If you choose not to wear a mask, let me be aware so I can prepare myself. Remember: Just because I’m vaccinated, doesn’t mean I can’t pass it to an unvaccinated person.